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Opportunity Zones continue to be the talk of those getting involved with the real estate crowdfunding world. But when most say “Opportunity Zone”, many think of urban areas in big cities. However, Opportunity Zones have been designated in all states in a variety of areas, including rural areas as well. In this podcast episode, listen to Sheldon Mudd, the Executive Director at the Northeastern Nevada Regional Development Authority as he explains how the land diversity and government incentives in Northern Nevada lends itself to some unique and interesting rural Opportunity Zone based projects just waiting for the right investors – and why dealing with local governments generally makes the permitting and approval process move much faster!

Listen to “Opportunity Zones Aren’t Just in Urban Areas – Rural QOZ’s Make for Unique Projects” on Spreaker.

Shrimp… space exploration… mining… energy… These are the types of unique investment opportunities you may find in rural opportunity zones as to opposed to urban areas. And with over 45,000 square miles of land, Nevada in particular has some deals well worth looking into. As an example, listen to this podcast to learn why West Wendover has some ground floor projects that may make them the next Las Vegas!

Whether you’re an investor seeking to defer your capital gains taxes, a real estate developer seeking a unique way to raise money for your project, or a Opportunity Zone Fund (or fund manager) seeking investments into your fund, the QOZ Marketplace is a great place to get started for all things regarding qualified opportunity zones.

If you’re interested in more information regarding Opportunity Zones in rural areas, specifically the rural opportunity zone projects that Mr. Mudd spoke about on the podcast, you can contact him at 775-738-2100 or by email here. In addition, please visit the Northeastern Nevada Regional Development Authority’s website and keep up to date with all their happenings and news.


Sheldon MuddSheldon Mudd is the Executive Director for the Northeastern Nevada Regional Development Authority (NNRDA). The NNRDA oversees the economic development pursuits of five Nevada Counties (Humboldt, Lander, Eureka, Elko, and White Pine) that cover an expanse of 45,457 square miles or 41% of the State. Mudd previously served as the Mining Industry Specialist for the Governor’s Office of Economic Development where his previous ten years of experience in Northern Nevada’s Mining industry were utilized to meet State economic development goals.

In addition, Mudd is a United States Air Force Veteran serving from 2000-2005 where he led teams in disaster preparedness, communications security, and the Ceremonial Honor Guard. Mudd graduated from Wayland Baptist University with a B.S. in Business Administration in 2010 and a M.A. in History in 2013.

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