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Many are invested in stocks and bonds. Many more in Real Estate. But how many investors understand that Farmland can be an excellent addition to any investment portfolio as well? In this podcast, Artem Milinchuk – CEO and Founder of FarmTogether – explains why Farmland is becoming an increasingly important portfolio addition for institutional investors and how his experienced team is providing crowdfunding investors access to top-tier farmland investments with competitive returns from their carefully curated opportunities found on their online investment portal.

Listen to “Preserve and Grow Your Assets and Build Attractive Long-Term Returns by Investing in U.S. Farmland” on Spreaker.

How does farmland investing differ from real estate? How does farmland generate returns? What are the ways to invest in farmland? Who should invest in farmland? What are the risks? Listen to the podcast as Mr. Milinchuk answers these questions and more – as well as explaining how you can become an owner of the underlying farming asset without a hassle of actually managing and operating the farm yourself!

Besides being inflation-resistant and contra-cyclical to many conventional equity investments, the increasing scarcity of farmland and its lack of correlation with other asset classes make it an exceptionally strong diversification tool for virtually any portfolio. If you’re open to alternative and new emerging ways to preserve wealth (and pass it to the next generations), visit, create a free account and browse through their current offerings, such as the Edward Jenner Hazelnut Orchard. These offerings typically target yields of 8-15% returns with 3-9% cash yields, all net of fees – and they are all carefully vetted by FarmTogether’s experienced staff. Additionally, if you have any other questions, you can contact Artem by phone at 904-404-5902 or by email here.

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Artem Milinchuk

Artem MilinchukArtem is the CEO and Founder of FarmTogether and has over 10 years of finance experience in food, agriculture, and farmland. Prior to founding FarmTogether, Artem was employee #1 and CFO/VP of Operations at Full Harvest Technologies, a now post-Series A B2B platform for? buying and selling? produce. He previously worked at Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Sprott Resource Holdings, E&Y and PwC. Artem holds an MBA from The Wharton School, and a BA and MA in Economics from the Higher School of Economics.

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