Yes, opportunity zones are certainly a hot topic in crowdfunding real estate investing. But make no mistake – it’s a risky marketplace, and like every other risky investment, investors need to be cautious and get educated on the pros and cons to determine if Opportunity Zones investing fits into their risk threshold and is right for them. On this podcast, attorney Brett Siglin from the law firm of Jennings Strouss and Bob Micera from Micera Real Estate talk about Opportunity Zones investing from an investor’s unique point of view and detail the four most important aspects investors should consider before investing into an Opportunity Zone Fund.
Listen to “What Every Investor Needs to Understand About Opportunity Zone Investing” on Spreaker.
Smart investors understand the need for education, but unfortunately, investors are usually the last to get educated on new ideas and programs. That is why it’s so crucial that investors understand the information Mr. Siglin and Mr. Micera highlight as they talk about industry trends and the many questions and nuances all opportunity zone investors need to be aware of. Is the Opportunity Zone project viable in its own right? Would it pencil out without the tax benefits for the investor? Who’s the developer? Do they have the necessary experience to develop an opportunity zone project from start to finish – and stay in the project for the longterm horizon of 10 years? Who is the project sponsor? And maybe the most important question of all: what’s your outlook as an investor? Do you have the risk tolerance and is the timing challenges of the investment correct for you? All these points are expanded upon in this podcast.
Investors need to do serious due diligence before investing into an Opportunity Zone Fund. And with the help of the Opportunity Zones Authority – and taking to heart the points covered on this podcast – investors will have better odds that their investment decisions will lead to successful outcomes. To get more information or if you have further questions, you may contact Brett Siglin by email, at his website, or by calling him directly at 602-262-5842. Likewise, Bob Micera can be reached by email here, or direct at 201-362-6738. In addition, you can download their opportunity zones brochure here.
ABOUT OUR GUESTS: Brett Siglin and Bob Micera
Brett Siglin focuses his practice at Jennings Strouss on a broad range of business law matters involving corporate structuring, joint ventures, bond financing, syndication of equity, contract negotiation, regulation and compliance, tax credits, property tax exemptions, and real estate acquisition and development. He represents developers, lenders, investors, syndicators, real estate investment trusts, and other businesses and public sector entities.
Mr. Siglin is experienced with utilizing federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and tax-exempt bond financing to structure transactions; advising on debt and equity terms; negotiating development agreements and construction contracts; assisting with zoning and permitting; advising on compliance issues; counseling on state and local tax incentives; resolving complex tax issues; and providing wide-ranging federal and state tax advice.
Mr. Siglin served as an attorney advisor for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington, D.C. for four years before entering private practice.
Bob Micera is a senior real estate executive who has successfully built, grown and expanded real estate investment and advisory platforms for Cole Real Estate Investments (NYSE: COLE), First Industrial (NYSE: FR), Metlife Insurance a private REIT – Four Springs Capital Trust (FSCT), JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) and Ernst & Young. With over 33 years in commercial real estate, he has executed and overseen more than $12 billion of acquisitions, build-to-suits, sale-leasebacks, dispositions, joint ventures, financings, and structured deals.
Bob has served as the Chief Investment Officer for two Real Estate Investment Trusts REITs (Cole and FSCT) where he helped to expand each Company’s acquisition platform and national presence. In two years, he more than doubled FSCT’s assets under ownership and nearly tripled the REIT’s NOI.
At Cole, Bob was instrumental in establishing Cole’s office and industrial acquisition platform and in helping to launch in 2011 Cole’s inaugural office and industrial non-traded REIT – Cole Corporate Income Trust. In nearly four years, he oversaw the acquisition of more than 146 office and industrial assets representing $4.4 billion and comprising almost 31 million square feet located among 33 states. He established Cole as the #1 acquirer of single tenant office assets and the #3 acquirer of single tenant industrial assets during 2011-2013.
Bob also built an acquisition platform for FR where he oversaw nearly $900 million of acquisitions nationwide and established the Company as a leading acquirer of single tenant industrial properties. Bob served as the chief investment officer for the Company’s $1.4 billion of co-investment industrial net lease programs with UBS Wealth Management and its $425 million co-investment net lease program with the Kuwait Finance House.
Bob received a degree in engineering from Lafayette College and an MBA in finance from New York University.
All information provided is for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any one particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor.
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