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Some say about $6.2 trillion dollars in capital gains may be eligible for investment into the Opportunity Zones Marketplace. So for many, it makes sense to self-certify and create their own OZ Fund for themselves, right? Not so fast! How you structure your fund is of utmost importance and expert guidance is required to ensure you follow the appropriate criteria and obligations to legally reap the tax benefits. Listen to this podcast where David Sillaman, President at Eazy Do It Opportunity Funds, explains how you can create credibility with your project when you don’t have a track record of performance and how you get an investor to say “yes” to your deal!

Listen to “Why Creating a Stock-Based Opportunity Zone Fund Structure May be a Better Option than a Partnership-Based One” on Spreaker.

All Opportunity Zone funds are basically private equity raises. With over 8,700 qualified opportunity zones nationwide, how can you ensure that your Qualified Opportunity Fund becomes a successful leader in the industry and has been vetted to avoid fraud? Here’s how: Mr. Sillaman’s company offers complete opportunity zone fund creation tailored to the specific needs of his clients, including turnkey fund creation, fund consulting, and fund capitalization for high net worth individuals. While a majority of Opportunity Zone Funds are real estate centric, listening to this podcast will tell you why he feels the business aspect of Opportunity Zones investing may be the bigger driver of the program’s sustained success.

But remember: The devil is in the details. The last thing an Opportunity Zone Fund wants is to raise money and think they’re successful, but ultimately find out they did it all wrong. Thinking about starting your own Opportunity Zone Fund? Contact David by email or visit and you’ll have your own Fund starting from scratch in less than a month! And don’t forget to visit his newly published website at for more information on how to get involved with Opportunity Zones creation and investing.

ABOUT OUR GUEST: David Sillaman

David SillamanDavid Sillaman is the founder and chief executive officer of Eazy Do It Inc., an opportunity fund creation company based in Virginia Beach, Va. Eazy Do It works with clients to develop a structured turn-key solution for business owners, real estate development projects, high net worth individuals and family offices looking to set up an opportunity fund experience.

Recognized as a Top 10 OZ Influencer, Eazy Do It and one of the leaders in the Opportunity Fund Creation industry, David Sillaman is a member of the Forbes Real Estate Counsel. Eazy Do It Funds have been recognized by FinTek News, Business Insider, Market Insider, Senior Housing News & Silicon Review to name a few.

Mr. Sillaman is a frequent speaker at National Opportunity Zone Events, including the CDFA Florida Opportunity Zone Conference and past Opportunity Zone Expo Conferences. Eazy Do It has built a sixth of all the opportunity funds in the market space today, with a strong emphasis on business based opportunity funds.

All information provided is for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any one particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor.


  • Charles Orlando says:

    Ron, I really like how you are getting heavy hitters in the industry as guests on your podcast. These are people that are really accomplished in their fields who are actually doing it and not theory-based people who aren’t based in reality. Keep it up. GREAT JOB! – Chuck