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Some say Opportunity Zone Investing is like sex in high school – everyone’s talking about it, but no one is doing it. Others say Opportunity Zones is the greatest economic development and revitalization program in history. So who’s right? In this podcast, listen to Erin Gillespie of Madison Street Strategies as she details exactly what’s really going on the market, as well as what must be done moving forward to make sure the QOZ Marketplace has a bright future.

Listen to “Are Opportunity Zones Working or Not – The True State of the Opportunity Zones Industry” on Spreaker.

Even with the Treasury Department’s release of new guidelines, It’s no secret that there a number of unanswered questions regarding Opportunity Zones investing. It’s that very uncertainty that makes it such a polarizing topic. Growth and change scare people, and with that, many investors are cautious about diving into the Marketplace. It all takes time, but in the case of QOZ’s, time is money. But one thing’s for sure: not everything is making the news – and we all know how the media spins things the way they want. That’s why it’s important to hear from people like Ms. Gillespie who are actually in the trenches and seeing what’s going on from a ground floor level.

There certainly are success stories, and as more articles chronicling these successes are published, the faster you’ll see Opportunity Zones take off. And as Erin suggests on the podcast, when community leaders, government officials, and the people actually living in Opportunity Zone tracts all work together, the creative process thrives and will hopefully produce a model result to be emulated in Opportunity Zones all across the country. Once again, Erin Gillespie’s insights into the QOZ Marketplace are not to be missed! Contact her by email, visit her website at or give her a call at 850-583-7001 for more information.

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Erin Gillespie

Erin GillespieErin Gillespie founded Madison Street Strategies in 2018. She has almost two decades of experience in media and public relations, crisis management, communications and government affairs. Most recently, she served in executive management at the state agency leading Florida’s workforce, community and economic development, working with businesses and communities across the state to invest in a high-tech workforce, develop strong growth strategies and promote Florida’s economic success.

Erin has extensive disaster recovery experience, leading statewide private sector recovery efforts after Hurricanes Irma, Maria and Michael. In her role with the state of Florida, she led the state’s selection of 427 Opportunity Zones and worked with communities to develop strategies to attract Opportunity Fund investment.

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