Do you really think you’re going to get financing from a bank? Good luck with that! Instead in today’s world, crowdfunding has increasingly become the money raising vehicle of choice for many companies. In this podcast, Mike Brette – the CEO of Small Cap Equity Advisors – explains all the reasons why crowdfunding is a better bet over traditional bank financing if you really want to raise money successfully – especially if you’re just starting out or have a pre-revenue deal.
Listen to “Bank Financing And Crowdfunding” on Spreaker.
Do banks really care if your business succeeds or not? Hint: They don’t – they’re just mainly interested in whether or not you can pay back your loan. Crowdfunding, on the other hand, is a different story. Crowdfunding allows your customers to invest in a company they already love – yours! With all the credit checks, collateral required, loan committees, interest rate considerations, and all the other hassles involved with traditional bank loans, why even bother when you have crowdfunding as an option right at your fingertips, where you can structure an offering and reach out to investors on your own terms?
The key, as Mr. Brette mentions on the podcast, is the proper company valuation and understanding the entire process of raising money. Listen as he highlights a number of crowdfunding “musts” as well as some myths that many CEO’s and issuers fall prey to.
In addition, Mike explains why bank financing and venture capital are bad bets, the role of crowdfunding platforms and the one thing you must understand about them that will either make or break you, and why it’s crucial that you start marketing your deal for investor awareness BEFORE your offering is officially ready to go
Crowdfunding is not easy, but Reg.A, Reg.D, Reg.CF are all there for your benefit. You just have to take advantage of it. And remember: if you don’t try, you’ll never succeed! Get out there and put your deal in front of investors. Contact Mike Brette by phone at 951-236-8473 or by email here and get started with your raise today – the correct way!
Michael N. Brette, J.D. advises clients on a wide variety of transactional business matters from startup consulting, Equity Crowdfunding, 506(c) private placement, REG A+ offerings, capital formation, going public, arranging capital for publicly traded companies.
Mr. Brette has published two books Asset Protection Planning and Raising Capital For Your Business (Amazon). He has appeared on more than 450 TV and radio shows discussing various business and financial topics. He has a Juris Doctor ( law degree ) for 42 years and is listed in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Industry & Finance.
All information provided is for informational purposes only. Mapable USA is not a registered broker-dealer, funding portal, or investment advisor. This information presented on this website/podcast is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. Any information presented is not an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities or financial products. None of the information on the Mapable USA podcast or website takes into account any individual person’s personal objectives, financial situation, needs, or particular circumstances. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor. Mapable, LLC recommends you obtain your own financial, legal, and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.
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