For many, blockchain seems like a foreign concept…but is it? You may be surprised how blockchain is impacting your world, today, without you probably even knowing it! In this podcast, Sydney Armani – the CEO and Founder of FinTechWorld discusses some of the applications blockchain has in today’s marketplace, including the arts, cinema, healthcare, real estate, cryptocurrencies, the entertainment industries, etc., and also explains how issuers are using the crowdfunding aspect of blockchain technology to raise money for their various projects…happening NOW!
Listen to “Blockchain is All Around You – Right Now!” on Spreaker.
Unique AI and blockchain crypto asset-based projects are everywhere these days. As you listen to this podcast, you’ll begin to realize how blockchain is being used today, right now, in so many applications – many of which are featured on the Fintech World Media website. In fact, Mr. Armani is bringing forward many of these crowdfunding opportunities to reality in the form of cinematic, medical, and real estate projects – and much more! For example, his Crypto Film Fund is a blockchain-powered investment platform that enables both established investors and the general public to participate in the funding of cutting edge projects in the entertainment industry. They have produced “Bitcoin Seduction”, a docudrama that tells the story of how a computer-generated intangible coin, conceived by a mysterious creator, captivated the world and laid the foundation for what many have now come to see as the genesis of a future egalitarian global financial system.
In addition, by listening to this podcast, you’ll learn about his Stem Cell Fund which uses blockchain to target the growing healthcare crisis by catalyzing the most promising stem cell research in order to combat some of the most debilitating and costly diseases that will affect every one of us today and into the future. Then there’s Security Token Offerings via the tokenization of real estate, which refers to the division of a property into tradable shares or digital assets on a blockchain network. Blockchain-based platforms can also automatically link all external and internal property-related activities and transactions to a unique digital ID through a smart contract where real estate, and commercial real estate in particular, is likely to be totally transformed! Plus there’s a blockchain trademark component with the technology and potential to revolutionize that industry as well.
Perhaps you weren’t even aware of how blockchain will (and already is) impacting your life. In that case, this podcast will be an eye-opener. If you’re looking for an opportunity to invest in digital asset tokenization and capital formation for commercial real estate, film and video game production, stem cell healthcare solutions, trademark and copyright, crowdfunding, NFTs, and DeFi (decentralized finance), then you should definitely contact Sydney today and listen/bookmark this podcast!
ABOUT OUR GUEST: Sydney Armani
Sydney Armani has more than twenty-five year’s experience in Silicon Valley, active in the community as an entrepreneur as well as an investor.
Sydney’s vision and expertise for starting and managing innovative companies have sparked and nurtured the great success of Hello Net (a mobile telephony appliance service), Minitel, and Videotex (an online first-generation of touchscreen tablets).
He has been an active keynote speaker and moderator at conferences and plenary sessions on Blockchain, Technology, Real Estate crowd finance, Cryptocurrency capital, and digital markets, secondary liquidity, disruption in banking and a host of other topics. He has lectured at major universities such as Georgetown, NYU, Hult International Business School, “BÄwÔ University, Beijing, VIA Technologies, PARIS. while authoring articles for or being interviewed by INC Magazine, Housing Wire, Forbes, Fortune, The Economist, CNBC, Bloomberg and others.
All information provided is for informational purposes only. Mapable USA is not a registered broker-dealer, funding portal, or investment advisor. This information presented on this website/podcast is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. Any information presented is not an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities or financial products. None of the information on the Mapable USA podcast or website takes into account any individual person’s personal objectives, financial situation, needs, or particular circumstances. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor. Mapable, LLC recommends you obtain your own financial, legal, and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.
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