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When an award winning brewery decides to turn to equity crowdfunding, craft beer lovers should all take notice. Because great craft breweries have such a loyal following, they make excellent candidates for crowdfunding deals, and in this podcast, Three Monkeys Brewing Co-Founders Michael Tate and Craig Meacham talk about how they are parlaying all their current success into some amazing plans in the future, including their own Opportunity Zone Fund. Beer drinker or not, the information you’ll get from this podcast is intoxicating!

Listen to “Craft Brewer Three Monkeys Brewing is Bridging Equity Crowdfunding with Opportunity Zones Investing” on Spreaker.

Three Monkeys Brewing is no stranger to those who follow the “I Love Beer Show” as their beers have been featured many times on the show. They are now using the blockchain concepts the Craft Beer Mob espouses to help crowdfund craft beer related projects and should have their offering on the WeFunder crowdfunding portal once all the due diligence has been completed and their project approved for listing. But even more interesting is Mr. Tate’s venture into creating an Opportunity Zone fund to expand their brewery presence, where investors can not only defer their capital gains tax exposure, but also help revitalize communities – and once that Fund is certified by the Opportunity Zones Authority, investors will know the entire structure was vetted properly.

Ben Franklin once said “Beer is proof that God loves us” – and after listening to this Mapable USA podcast episode, you’ll understand why participating in the crowdfunding opportunities that 3 Monkeys Brewing is creating may prove Ben Franklin right! Visit the 3 Monkeys Brewing website for more information on their beers and how to get involved with their investment opportunities.

ABOUT OUR GUESTS: 3 Monkeys Brewing (Michael Tate and Craig Meacham)

3 Monkeys Brewing (Michael Tate and Craig MeachamThree Monkeys Brewing was established in October, 2013, by a dedicated group of individuals. They began their journey with a vision to produce Superior Quality Brews for the Sierra Nevada and Central Valley regions of California. They chose to incorporate the proverbial Three Monkeys into their brewery logo as a representation of everything that is good about life and business. They initially began by brewing their flagship ale, Gold Monkey IPA, then set out to develop and distribute Five Classic Ales. Their Brew Crew has truly brewed a world class taste in every beer. At Three Monkeys Brewing, they work hard to provide their friends with world-class gold medal recipes to refresh their palates. Finally, their supreme success is to share the motto, “Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil”, Just damn good beer!

Their 10,000 + barrel (bbl) capacity is driven by a powerful 25 BBL Brewhouse. Like great locomotives, they brew the wort and lead the way to the fermentation tanks. 3 Monkeys used only the finest Premiere Stainless steel for their custom built kettles and Brite Tanks. The grains they use soak in hot water to germinate during the malting process. Following this procedure the malted grains are roasted to develop their unique and distinctive character which gives their beer its rich flavor, body and color. Finally, they brew the wort and spice it with organic hops and other deliciously fresh organic ingredients.

Living yeasts convert the malt sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide in fermentation tanks. When the wort cools, yeast is added, and fermentation begins. It takes a while for the yeast to multiply, but once there’s enough, they consume the sugars and produce alcohol. During the aging process, the beer matures, develops its natural carbonation and its unique flavor. This is where the brew comes alive and becomes most excellent beer! This conditioning method is holistic in its approach. Ale yeast likes warmer temperatures than Lager yeast. It’s what gives Ales their superior quality taste. When aging is complete and the flavors found in 3 Monkeys beers are in perfect harmony, it’s time for their ultimate destination. The effort expended in choosing the most efficient machine for bottling and handling their beer was, in fact, monumental. Follow the bottling process from rinsing, priming to capping and you will come to understand that this is highly important to the shelf life and quality of the bottled beer.

Worldwide we now face the ethical issues of sustainable business growth. Three Monkeys Brewing have implemented a development plan that will recover CO2 from the natural fermentation process. They’re able to recycle most of this gas for use around the brewery during packaging and bottling. All used ingredients are recycled wherever possible. Three Monkeys Brewing is continuously looking for ways to improve sustainable practices. This is their commitment to the planet we all share.

All information provided is for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any one particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor.