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Some people in the investment world say 2021 is the year of the SPAC. Are they correct? Special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) are exploding in popularity, but that does not mean they are right for everyone and every investor. In this podcast, Mike Brette from Small Cap Equity Advisors discusses what SPACs are, how they are formed, the pros and cons of creating one, the considerations of what to look for in a merger target, the SPAC timeline, and why getting a team of management professionals around you is so important in order to comply with SEC rules and regulations, as well as creating the confidence needed to attract potential investors. If you are thinking of creating a SPAC or merging into one, the information presented in this podcast will certainly provide you with a roadmap to success.

Listen to “Everything You Need to Know About Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs), Pros and Cons” on Spreaker.

How popular are SPACs? Consider that 125 SPACs have raised almost 50 BILLION dollars since 2020 alone! And 2021 is supposed to be the year of the SPAC? Can you imagine what 2021 has in store investment-wise if that’s true?!?

But of course there are advantages and disadvantages to everything in the investment world, and you’ll learn exactly what to look for in dealing with any aspect regarding SPACs in this podcast as Mr. Brette takes you though many points of consideration you may not be aware of – but MUST understand if you want to take advantage of this investment vehicle (and avoid some of the pitfalls!)… including why SPACs many not be your best option after all! One thing’s for sure: you better have a strong management team in place!

Regardless of your experience level, it’s time you get on the SPAC information highway by listening to this podcast, then head on over to the website, a resource just recently published by the Reg.A Funding Group to assist anyone interested in moving forward with any aspect of the SPAC product.

You can also contact Mike by phone at 951-236-8473, by email here, or you can visit his website at Don’t let 2021 be the “Year of the SPAC” with you sitting on the sidelines. Find out if SPACs are right for you and your business today!


Michael N. Brette, J.D. advises clients on a wide variety of transactional business matters from startup consulting, Equity Crowdfunding, 506(c) private placement, REG A+ offerings, capital formation, going public, arranging capital for publicly traded companies.

Mr. Brette has published two books Asset Protection Planning and Raising Capital For Your Business ( Amazon ). He has appeared on more than 450 TV and radio shows discussing various business and financial topics. He has a Juris Doctor ( law degree ) for 42 years and is listed in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Industry & Finance.

All information provided is for informational purposes only. Mapable USA is not a registered broker-dealer, funding portal, or investment advisor. This information presented on this website/podcast is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. Any information presented is not an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities or financial products. None of the information on the Mapable USA podcast or website takes into account any individual person’s personal objectives, financial situation, needs, or particular circumstances. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor. Mapable, LLC recommends you obtain your own financial, legal, and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.