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While real estate gets most of the attention when talking about the Opportunity Zones marketplace, most experts in the industry agree that the business aspect of this program is what will sustain its longterm growth. So what happens when you merge an original business in the entertainment industry with the historic preservation of real estate to house that business? You get the Omni Impact Opportunity Zone Fund from HotBed Entertainment. Listen as co-founders Todd Perlmutter and Seth Dunlap talk about how they’re following through on their goal of continued long term support of infrastructure and sustainable job creation within Opportunity Zones by tapping into their very impressive entertainment and development roots.

Listen to “Omni Impact Opportunity Zone Fund Combines Unique Entertainment with a Real Estate Component” on Spreaker.

As we all know, the federal Opportunity Zone Program provides one of the most significant and powerful investment opportunities of our time. With layers of incentives for investors, its intent is to revitalize distressed communities through investment in quality job creation and real-estate development. Through their first-of-its-kind “Omni Impact Opportunity Zone” fund (which offers both real estate and an alternative high impact Opportunity Zone business concept), the co-founders of HotBed Entertainment are proving once again that they are ahead of the curve with their latest offering. Listen to this podcast were Mr. Perlmutter and Mr. Dunlap talk about how the creative core of Hotbed Entertainment Group has married their Blue Man Group knowledge with additional experience in hospitality, music, nightlife, and other theatrical properties to create Hotbed Music Hall, the anchor business in the development of the properties – and what their overall plans for the future of their Fund are to create the social and economic impact Opportunity Zones promise. Check out a sneak preview of their first show in New Orleans, “Fallen Saint”:

When you combine a solid real estate plan with a proven track record of an innovative entertainment destination model, you have something investors looking to defer capital gains taxes should look into. Email them with any questions or comments you may have or to request the Omni Impact Opportunity Zone investment overview!

ABOUT OUR GUESTS: Todd Perlmutter and Seth Dunlap

Todd Perlmutter and Seth Dunlap are founding partners of Hotbed Entertainment Group, a world-class entertainment and hospitality business, operated by industry veterans. As managers of the Omni Impact Opportunity Fund they offer an investment structure that is unique, with the open-ended growth potential of a Qualified Opportunity Zone Business (QOZB) and a portfolio of historic and architecturally significant real estate that will serve as the venue for this groundbreaking concept.

Todd spent 19 years at Blue Man Group as the Senior Music Director, Music Supervisor, Record Producer, Sound Designer, Director, and Creative Director. He has been a partner in several successful New York nightlife businesses and real estate ventures. He has run his own record label and continues to be a part of the NYC music scene performing in various bands as well as producing music from his own recording studio as well as many others. His experience at Blue Man Group—ranging from material and casting and training musicians, to sound design and direction—are the foundation of Hotbed’s commitment to creative excellence.

Seth is an investment and real estate professional whose extensive experience with investment products and structure pairs perfectly with his passion for historic preservation and adaptive reuse development projects. Previously he raised money for best in class portfolio managers representing 250+ different investment strategies across 15+ boutique institutional money managers serving clients in the RIA, Family Office and Institutional markets. Prior experience at notable firms such as Baron Capital, MainStay Investments, and Nuveen Investments. Through his work in the financial services industry, he developed longstanding relationships by offering clients a consultative approach to managing assets with a focus on risk management and long-term investment solutions.

All information provided is for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal or investment advice for anyone to make an investment in any one particular company and is not intended for any companies to rely on this information to form an opinion to go public or not to go public or to do any type of offering of securities. You must check with a securities attorney to find out if an offering is for you, or if you are going to be in the business of selling any type of securities, you need to make sure you are following your state and federal legislative law so you do not get into any troubles. Do not use the opinions as stated on this show as any way to form an opinion as what is wrong or right or what could be done for your business or as an investor.