Being proactive is key with Opportunity Zones investing, and there is a lot of new legislative updates that everyone in the Opportunity Zones marketplace needs to be aware of. In this podcast, Nest Opportunity Fund founder Clint Edgington gives a top-level overview of the successes and failures of the program to date, as well as explaining the strategies his advisory firm employs to help clients keep more of the money that they earn, and as you can imagine, it all starts with careful and intelligent financial planning.
Are Opportunity Zones a success? Well, as Mr. Edgington mentions on the podcast, it depends on how you define success. Certainly there is deal flow with respect to real estate deals (although maybe not as much as expected, thank you Covid), but the job creation aspect of the program perhaps may be lacking. For now at least. The program seems to be moving forward nicely in that area as people are understanding that the business component is the part of the whole program that will make everything else sustainable.
But from an investor perspective, it’s all about financial planning and understanding the tax issues that apply to each person’s unique situation on a case-by-case basis. Some opportunity zone funds focus on real estate, others on business, and some on both. But regardless, it makes a lot of sense to consult with a financial or estate planner who can develop the proper plan of action and give you sound advice regarding all the tax issues associated with the Opportunity Zones program to stay compliant with all the Legislative changes. And of course, liquidity is a major issue in all of this!
The lesson after listening to this podcast is do not go it alone! You’re sure to run into issues that you may not be aware of, and it’s always smart to avoid IRS pain. That is why it’s so important to contact Opportunity Zones professionals like Clint. He can be reached by phone at 614-905-6233, by email here, or you can visit his website at In addition, you can contact his investment firm at Beacon Hill Investment Advisory at 614-469-4685 as well.
ABOUT OUR GUEST: Clint Edgington
Clint Edgington is co-founder of Nest Opportunity Fund and leads the investment team at Beacon Hill Investment Advisory.
Beacon Hill provides advisory and family office services to business owners to simplify their financial lives, including their businesses, their retirement plans, and their public and private investment holdings.
Clint and his family have owned and managed single and multifamily real estate since 2003. Clint is recognized as an expert in the practicalities of Opportunity Zone investing and structures and, as such, has been interviewed or spoken for the Alternative Direct Investment Securities Association (ADISA), Real Assets Advisor magazine, and Columbus Business First. Clint is the past Chairman of the Columbus CFA Society Private Wealth Committee. Clint is a graduate of Miami University with a Bachelor of Science in economics.
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