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With so many companies looking at renewable energy options, more and more commercial real estate developers are looking at solar as a means to save on their energy costs. In this podcast, Farrin Pasifakis, the Director of Sol-Ups commercial division talks about her company’s holistic green initiative, why renewal energy certificates are so important, how legislative changes are helping to grow this initiative, and why you should consider solar to begin with when you’re considering your next commercial real estate development.

Listen to “Why Commercial Real Estate Developers Should Consider Solar Renewable Energy” on Spreaker.

Perhaps it’s time to become your own energy producer? Sol-Up offers design and solar panel installation for residential, commercial and public service clients. Sol-Up’s highly skilled installation team provides the latest solar technologies at competitive prices. As mentioned on the podcast, Ms. Pasifakis makes a strong case that utilizing solar energy may help you save money, help the environment, and develop assets attached to structures that increase the property value of your development. She also discusses the many ways to finance your purchase and explains the incentives available to developers to help them improve their green footprint.

But when should you consider going solar? What are its benefits? What does the construction/installation process look like? What are the utilities and tools in Sol-Up’s arsenal to help customers benefit from renewable energy? And how can real estate developers take advantage of the tax credits and depreciation incentives solar offers? Farrin answers all these questions and more on this podcast.

If you have any questions about Sol-Up’s cutting-edge premium technology that can help you eliminate your power bill with a simplified solar installation, Farrin Pasifakis can be reached directly at 269-357-3028, by email here , or by visiting the Sol-Up website at You can spend your money paying your monthly electricity bill from your local provider, or you can spend it on something that actually becomes potentially a money-saving asset. What’s best for you?

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Farrin Pasifakis

Farrin Pasifakis is a professional Educator, Innovator, and Entrepreneur in the truest sense of the word. She has had extensive experience in many Businesses and Industries worldwide, including cutting edge technology, renewable energy, medical and property. She brings her savvy and unique way of looking at things in connecting knowledge from her International and business experience. She has a fabulously contagious sparkle and a love for life that flows into everything she does.

Currently she is pioneering advancements and education in the commercial renewable energy sector in designing and working with businesses on holistic green initiatives including solar solutions, forging ways to make the goal of becoming sustainably green more affordable for businesses and corporations everywhere. She has a passion and love for health and practical applications of technology impacting the world in in a positive way as a rising leader in her industry.

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