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Opportunity Zones provide developers and community organizers with new and unique ways of raising money to get access to capital and funding that previously was just not available. Unfortunately, banks are not friendly to Opportunity Zone projects, but despite the traditional means of raising money, areas like Henderson, Nevada are moving forward with some really interesting projects that are continuing to make Henderson a great place to live. In this podcast, listen to Interim Redevelopment Manager Anthony Molloy at the City of Henderson Redevelopment Agency as he goes over his organization’s vision, the “concierge” services they provide, and why managers of Opportunity Zone funds may be wise to look into the redevelopment projects available, especially in the Downtown, Henderson vicinity.

Listen to “Why Opportunity Zone Funds Should be Looking at Henderson’s Opportunity Zones Redevelopment Projects” on Spreaker.

The secret is out about how great it is to live in Henderson. The population keeps increasing and it now has become Nevada’s second largest city. And according to Mr. Molloy, the mission of his agency is to make Henderson “America’s premier community”. With all the redevelopment efforts, the increase of stores along the downtown area, their mixed-use projects, deals with the Vegas Golden Knights hockey team, and working with a handful of real estate developers using opportunity zone funding to help upgrade and revitalize their designated opportunity zone areas, it looks like things are working and moving forward nicely. Once you finish listen to this podcast episode, you’ll realize Henderson is for real – and you’ll probably want to contact Anthony for more information at 702-267-1515 (or you can visit the City of Henderson Redevelopment Agency website here as well). Opportunity is knocking: Do you have opportunity zone real estate your either own or would like to sell? Perhaps the QOZ Marketplace can help.

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Anthony Molloy

Anthony J. MolloyAnthony J. Molloy, AICP: Mr. Molloy has worked for the City of Henderson Redevelopment Agency since 2007 and is the Interim Redevelopment Manager. He is also the current President of the Redevelopment Association of Nevada. In his role at the City of Henderson, he manages the Agency operated business recruitment and retention incentive programs, is the liaison between the City and business community, and negotiates the sale of Redevelopment Agency owned property for future development. Mr. Molloy is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and holds a Master of Science degree from Brigham Young University.

Prior to working in Henderson, Mr. Molloy worked as a Principal Planner at Clark County in the Comprehensive Planning Department. In this role, he focused primarily on projects of regional significance in the resort corridor. Mr. Molloy, who is originally from Australia, has over 20 years of public sector experience working in City Planning and Redevelopment in the United States.

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